๐ถ+๐=๐จBeware of these Snail/Slug Bait they are poisonous and can kill your dog!
Dec 13, 2023
Aloha ,
Thank you for coming down to Nordstrom Ala Moana this past Saturday! This weekend there is NO Pop Up but we will be back on Saturday, December 23rd. I will opening Cocojor Spaw and Showroom in Hawaii Kai by Appointment only until January, 2024.
What are you waiting for? Our YEAR-END sale to order our Minicle Micro Bubble Machine will end on December 31, 2023. Get huge discount $200 - $500 off our Veterinary Approved "Heaven" and home use "Angel" machine. Clean Energy using NO Electricity, Compact Weighs 7lbs and Creates ION that kills bacteria!๐จ๐ฆ ๐ฆ. Use it for everything from, pets, produce and yourself! Nothing is allergic to PURE water in PURE water out that kills bacteria.
Snail/Slug Bait Poisoning in Dogs
Snails and slugs are frustrating garden pests wherever anyone is trying to grow tender flowers or ornamental plants.
Beware on walks and around your surrounding area when taking your pooch outside. If you see snails and slugs opt from using these Poison Bait in your own garden area.
While effective non-toxic methods abound on the internet, snail bait and snail poisons are readily available in most garden supply stores and pose a significant hazard to the pet dogs that share the garden.
Snail bait poisoning continues to be a frequent toxicity issue for dogs in any area where snails are common garden pests.
Not that malicious poisoning is the issue; most cases are accidental, as many gardens with snail problems also have resident dogs. Snail bait is typically formulated in pellets and flavored with molasses or bran to attract snails. Unfortunately, the pellets resemble kibbled dog food and the molasses and bran are also attractive to dogs. Snail baits are also available as liquids and powders that can get onto paws and be licked off in normal grooming. Very little metaldehyde snail bait is required to cause poisoning: less than a teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight.
Many snail bait products also contain insecticides that make them even more toxic. If at all possible, find out what specific product has been involved in the poisoning so that the veterinarian and animal poison control can determine proper treatment.
What is metaldehyde poisoning? Poisoning occurs when pets eat metaldehyde-containing slug/snail bait off the ground or from the storage container. Dogs, cats, birds, and other wildlife can all be affected by metaldehyde. Metaldehyde may cause signs of poisoning even when very small amounts are ingested.
Obvious Twitching
Signs of poisoning begin fairly quickly after the poison is consumed. The dog will begin anxious twitching, at first only slightly and then uncontrollably. This progresses to seizures and potentially to death. The muscle contractions of the twitches raise body temperature so high that brain damage can result, leading to the colloquial emergency room term “shake and bake” syndrome.
Patients can also exhibit racing heart rates, vomiting, diarrhea, and rigidity, and respiratory failure.
A liver failure syndrome occurs in some patients approximately two to three days after poisoning, so it is important for liver enzymes to be monitored by blood tests throughout the recovery period. Additional liver support medicine may be needed.
Happy Holidays and Bad Weather is here and when it's sunny we take our beloved pooch who was stuck in the home to finally go out. Beware there is a lot of exposure now that the grounds will be oozing out unknown toxics, airborne and chemicals.
Best way to keep them healthy is by preventative care with our Mincle Micro Bubble System that uses no electricity, compact weighs 7 lbs and no recycle water! Use it indoor hook it up to our existing shower and outdoor spigot that easy 3 minutes.
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During this recession we all need to help one another! Cocojor NEW In-House Finance Program "Loan and Learn Program" maybe a way for you and your Itchy & Stinky Pooch to enjoy this benefit.
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If you are ready to find out how we can help you with your issues on dog skincare. Give us 15 minutes for your FREE consultation to discovery the WORLD of difference for the Itchy & Stinky Dog! All Natural and Organically done by YOU!
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