Warning 75 Million Pets without Veterinary Care!
Sep 06, 2022
WARNING FOR PET OWNERS - Despite an average of 2,500-2,600 graduates becoming veterinarians each year, an estimated 15,000 veterinarians could be needed for U.S. pets by 2030.
A Banfield Pet Hospital study finds that a potential shortage of this size would leave 75 million pets without veterinary care by 2030.
“It feels like crisis level, for those of us working in it, because again, we’re working long hours. And very hard conditions trying to save lives,” says Morlet. “It works on your mind, it works on your heart, and you can’t save them all, you want to.”
While there is this critical shortage of veterinary professionals, workers at Feather & Fur Animal Hospital are asking for everyone's patience , kindness and understanding as they continue to care for your pets.
Cocojor Minicle Micro Bubble System can help you as an individual or business to help with this URGENT crisis that is happening Worldwide in Pet Care.
How it Works to be part of Cocojor
The Itchy & Stinky Remedy to Dog Skincare!
I guide dog parents to take their dogs’ skin from problematic to thriving so they can save on vet bills, stop the constant scratching, odor and transform their overall wellbeing.
You don’t need to be in Hawaii to do this! You can do this anywhere in the world as long as you have a connection to the internet. Learn how to professionally dog skincare naturally heal. Did you know 70% of problems with dogs are with their skin.
Learn online how you can do it yourself or create business opportunities all you have to do is sign up for our Individual or Business course. Don’t forget to sign up as an affiliate member!
Easy payment plan is available while you learn online anytime, anywhere at your own comfort.
You will received a complete set of knowledge in our member only E-Library for your courses, LIVE weekly Q&A sessions, Minicle Micro Bubble Machine, Cocojor Zen Spaw Collection (Shampoo, Conditioner and Bubble Brush) Custom made just for you and your pooch!
The Itchy & Stinky All Natural Remedy to Dog Skincare:
Discover the 5 Top problems for Dog Owners and how to resolve them! Click here to get your Free Ebook!
COCOJOR is changing the pet industry.Now, you can join the movement and earn money while sharing the brand that has changed your life through the power of all natural. THE EVOLUTION OF COCOJOR PET SKINCARE SYSTEM.
Cocojor Minicle Bubble Dog Skin Care System, if you can create the most effective or sophisticated pet skin care program, but how do you motivate someone to get off the couch and do it? Telling real stories about real people and are meant to inspire and motivate other real people to realize they can do the same, they can achieve their potential and their love for their pet!
If you are ready to find out how we can help you with your issues on dog skincare. Give us 15 minutes for your FREE consultation to discovery the WORLD of difference for the Itchy & Stinky Dog! All Natural and Organically done by YOU!
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